Author: staff content
Is Your Wallpaper Toxic?
In homes all around the world, wallpaper is a common material used to spruce up the design of an otherwise boring wall. Almost any house you’ll see, no matter where, is going to have wallpaper in it. From your mother’s tacky, off-color wallpaper, to something in your own home. It’s everywhere. However, inside your wallpaper […]
Can Talcum Powder Cause Cancer?
Talcum powder was first marketed for cosmetic use in the early 1900’s. It quickly became a popular product for women and children to be used in private areas to help reduce the amount of moisture on the skin. In the 1970’s, researches started doing studies on the risks of talcum powder being used in the […]
Does Your Dental Floss Contain Cancer-causing Chemicals?
You’ve always heard your dentist, or orthodontist repeat the same mantra, time and time again. Brush and floss every night before you go to bed. Most of us get the brushing part, but few people floss their teeth as much as they should. Flossing cleans the bacteria out from between your teeth, an often neglected, […]
The Truth About Fluorinated Water
We’ve been drinking fluorinated water for more than seventy years now, but most people don’t know what health implications and danger come from the fluorinated water. In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first city in the world to add fluoride to their water; when studies showed that schoolchildren there had fewer cavities, other cities […]