Author: staff content

  • How Phthalates Leach Into Your Food

    How Phthalates Leach Into Your Food

    Phthalates is a chemical that is commonly found in building materials and plastics— The type of stuff you’d find in a home improvement store, however, research has shown that this toxic chemical can also be found in common foods that we eat including frozen dinners, meats, cheeses, and fast foods. It isn’t the food themselves that contain phthalates, it is through […]

  • Do Your Clothes Contain Toxic Chemicals?

    Do Your Clothes Contain Toxic Chemicals?

    Some might wonder how the simple act of wearing clothing with chemicals can negatively affect us if we aren’t consuming it into our bodies. Well, our skin is the largest organ of our bodies and can be considered our first line of defense. Our skin can absorb the chemicals found in clothing material similar to the […]