Tag: french fries

  • Are Air Fryers Really Healthy?

    Are Air Fryers Really Healthy?

    We all know that eating too much fried foods can lead to clogging arteries, obesity, and a number of other health problems. But most of us still love it so much that and consume these fried foods every day. That was why Air Fryer was one of the revolutionary kitchen gadgets invented less than a decade […]

  • 5 Summer Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

    5 Summer Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

    Summer is here and that means everyone is enjoying summer activities and the foods that traditionally go with them. You need to be careful, though, because these five favorite summer foods actually cause cancer, and you should avoid them at all costs. Five Summer Foods that cause Cancer: Hot Dogs These Barbecue favorites are packed […]

  • The Real Truth About Potatoes (Are They Really Bad?)

    The Real Truth About Potatoes (Are They Really Bad?)

    Potatoes certainly receive mixed reviews- they’re vegetables, which are healthy, but they’re also full of starch, which breaks down into sugar during digestion. As a starch, potatoes are made up of long chains of simple sugar molecules, which break down into individual glucose molecules in the body. People who are on a fat loss diet […]