Tag: diet

  • 12 Charts that Show What’s Wrong with your Diet (and why)

    12 Charts that Show What’s Wrong with your Diet (and why)

    If you look back a generation, you’ll see how much diets have changed. Most food that was served when the current thirty something’s were children, was home cooked and locally grown. Today we eat from restaurants far more frequently. At home we prepare many pre-packaged or ready meals to save us time and effort. When we do cook ourselves, the ingredients we use are often loaded with flavorings, sugar and chemicals.

  • Think and Grow Thin – An Exclusive Interview With The Author Charles D’Angelo

    Think and Grow Thin – An Exclusive Interview With The Author Charles D’Angelo

    If you have ever love one of the best self-help books, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill, and intrigued by the simple strategies of becoming rich, then you’ll also love Think and Grow Thin by Charles D’Angelo  “The Weight Loss Coach”, because his book talks about the importance of a healthy and thin mindset. […]