Tag: insomnia

  • These 5 Plants For Your Bedroom Will Help You Sleep Better

    These 5 Plants For Your Bedroom Will Help You Sleep Better

    Some plants have the ability to make your quality of sleep better. Not only do they serve as ornamental plants in your home, studies have proven that these plants provide relaxation and purification, which in turn, can improve your sleeping pattern. After all, according to a Scandinavian Study being around nature helps relax the mind […]

  • 5 Sleep Techniques to Quieten Your Brain & Fall Asleep Faster

    5 Sleep Techniques to Quieten Your Brain & Fall Asleep Faster

    A good night’s sleep is essential to your physical, mental and emotional wellness. For most people, it’s difficult to live a full and happy life if you are not fully rejuvenated and rested each and every day. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle to fall asleep at night. A lot of the sleeplessness we experience […]

  • 7 Herbs To Help You Sleep Better

    7 Herbs To Help You Sleep Better

    Not getting enough sleep is really tough on your body; sleep is when you heal, get stronger, and solidify memories, among other things. People who are particularly stressful in school or work tend to get insufficient sleep each night. Anxiety and stress are probably the two biggest causes of inability to sleep, and there are […]

  • Science of Sleeping – How to Get a Better & Good Night’s Sleep

    Science of Sleeping – How to Get a Better & Good Night’s Sleep

    They say that we spend a third of our lives asleep.  Are we able to say to ourselves, however, that we spend this third of our lives in a satisfactory, productive and fulfilling manner? Or do we sometimes find ourselves not sleeping well, at all, and wishing that we could find a way to ensure […]