Author: admin

  • The Cancer Causing Additive Hiding in Your Toothpaste and Your Food – Titanium Dioxide

    The Cancer Causing Additive Hiding in Your Toothpaste and Your Food – Titanium Dioxide

    Titanium dioxide is an additive that can be found in toothpaste and a range of food products. And it is one of the top fifty chemicals produced worldwide. It might seem like a harmless additive but new study finds titanium dioxide can cause cancer. According to the study, which was led by The French National Institute for […]

  • Why Japanese Has 11 Times Lower Risk Of Skin Cancer Than Americans

    Why Japanese Has 11 Times Lower Risk Of Skin Cancer Than Americans

    Take a look at any beach in America and you’ll see crowds of people lying out with most of their skin exposed to the hot sun. What is America’s obsession with sunbathing? For some reason or another, it has become popular for Americans to have a tan appearance. This question leaves many of us scratching […]

  • Should You Go Gluten-Free?

    Should You Go Gluten-Free?

    For some time now the gluten-free diet has become an increasingly popular way of life. With celebrities endorsing it and famous chefs creating diets that completely exclude gluten, it’s small wonder that the trend has been adopted by so many. It has become generally accepted that gluten free is the healthier choice. But is gluten […]

  • What Are Your Odds of Getting Cancer?

    What Are Your Odds of Getting Cancer?

    A few days ago, another friend posted her photo on Facebook of herself lying in the hospital, undergoing chemotherapy. Sad to say, she is a third friend I saw this year diagnosed with cancer. Over the years, I have seen many of friends lose to the fight with cancer and the numbers are still increasing over […]

  • 10 Dirtiest Places in Your Kitchen

    10 Dirtiest Places in Your Kitchen

    If you were asked to list the places in your house that you thought had the most germs, the first two places you might think of are the bathroom and the kitchen. It seems like those two locations can never stay clean long enough for you to actually enjoy all the cleaning you just did! […]