Tag: carbohydrates

  • 4 Healthiest Types Of Rice

    4 Healthiest Types Of Rice

    Rice is eaten all over the world and in almost every culture. It is tasty in hundreds to thousands of culinary dishes, and it can provide a decent dose of vitamins, minerals, and especially carbohydrates. Whole-grain types of rice are digested slowly and help regulate blood sugar. It is high in fiber and thus is […]

  • The Real Truth About Potatoes (Are They Really Bad?)

    The Real Truth About Potatoes (Are They Really Bad?)

    Potatoes certainly receive mixed reviews- they’re vegetables, which are healthy, but they’re also full of starch, which breaks down into sugar during digestion. As a starch, potatoes are made up of long chains of simple sugar molecules, which break down into individual glucose molecules in the body. People who are on a fat loss diet […]