Lose Weight, Have More Energy And Be Happier In 10 Days – An Exclusive Interview With The Author Peter Glickman

Peter Glickman’s 2004 book on the Master Cleanse (Lose Weight Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days) began a new rise in popularity for the famous detox diet. Since the book was first published in 2004, it has been translated into 8 foreign languages, is in its third edition, the paperback was on Amazon’s Alternative Medicine bestseller list for more than 4 years and it is currently #5 in Kindle Preventive Medicine and #11 in Kindle Alternative Medicine.

He currently promotes and preserves the Master Cleanse from his website, www.TheMasterCleanse.com, his 24/7 free forum with more than 25,000 members and 60,000 postings, his Android and iPhone Apps and his public appearances.

1. What encouraged you to write “Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier In 10 Days”? Can you tell us your story and what made you write this book?

I was 56 years old, tired and food was my enemy. No matter what I ate, “healthy” or not I felt sick afterward. I had no energy. My wife went on a 100% raw vegan diet and after two months of watching her get happier, healthier and having energy sparkling out of her eyes I decided to do what she was doing. Six months later, I’d lost more than 30 pounds and was no longer tired and washed out.

Then one day I woke up and felt like there was crud in my body I had to get out somehow. I went to the Web and discovered cleanses. Unfortunately there were so many, I had to figure out in what order to do them. While I was researching that, I discovered the Master Cleanse that did all of them at one time. I decided to do it and 20 days later had lost 23 more pounds, had miraculous energy and was so transformed that friends would literally stop me on the street and ask what I was doing.

A friend asked me to write an article for her January 2004 Natural Awakenings Tampa Bay magazine and I invited people to join me for our first annual January Master Cleanse on the web. Before the month of January was out, I saw that people had the same questions over and over about how to do the Master Cleanse. So I decided to write the first new book on the Master Cleanse since Stanley Burroughs published his original book in 1976 to answer those questions. I didn’t change any of Burroughs’ instructions or recipe because the results were literally phenomenal.

Since the book was first published in 2004, it has been translated into 8 foreign languages, is in its third edition, tenth printing, the paperback was on Amazon’s Alternative Medicine bestseller list for more than 4 years and it is currently #5 in Kindle Preventive Medicine and #11 in Kindle Alternative Medicine.

2. It is called “Lose Weight, Have More Energy And Be Happier In 10 Days”, can you share with us why you came up with this name?

Those are the three most common benefits people mention when doing the Master Cleanse.

3. Your book covers detoxification and losing weight, could you give us a perspective on how this is done?

I use the word “toxins” to describe any substances a person’s body is allergic to or which cause illness, death or any non-optimum reaction.

It’s the liver’s job to neutralize these toxins before they are eliminated from the body. When the liver can’t handle the volume coming in, it stores the toxins in fat cells in the liver. When there isn’t any more room in liver fat cells, the toxins are released into the body where the body stores the toxins in its fat cells. Eliminate the toxins stored in the fat cells and the body eliminates the fat it previously needed to protect itself.

But before stored toxins are neutralized by the liver, they have to be released from where they were stored. It’s when the toxins are circulating before they are eliminated that cause detox symptoms, sometimes called healing crises. This is why days 2, 3 and 7 of the Master Cleanse may be uncomfortable for some.

 4. As a health author and researcher, what can you say about the average American Diet? Is there something you see as a problem that causes increase in obesity and why?

People eat too much prepared food with artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners and preservatives that looks, feels and tastes like food, but can’t be completely used to rebuild the body on a regular basis. The body has to neutralize and eliminate the stuff that isn’t real food. If people eat too much of that, the body can’t process and eliminate it and it gets stored as toxins in the fat cells. In addition to that, modern Western medicine is so focused on its love affair with drugs and pills that it’s forgotten the value of cleansing in the last 40 years or so.

 5. What makes “Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier In 10 Days” diet book different from a number of weight loss diets in the market?

The Master Cleanse was the first detox diet and has been used by 100,000’s people every year for nearly 50 years. It uses organic, all natural foods found in any health food store. My book gives Stanley Burroughs’ original instructions, including those for diabetics, but adds info on detox symptoms, what to do if they get to be unpleasant, what to expect day by day, other people’s experiences, answers to the most frequent 112 questions and a full back of the book index.

 6. Besides losing weight, what other benefits should a person expect to derive following “Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier In 10 Days”?

Weight loss is the most common result. Other benefits people mention are easier breathing, better sense of smell, clearer skin, more energy, happier, loss of joint pain, clearer thinking, better mental attitude. Of course, not everyone gets all of those.

 7. Could you share with us on average how much weight does your readers usually lose while following this diet book you advocate? And what is the ONE thing that helps them to lose weight with “Lose Weight, Have More Energy And Be Happier In 10 Days”?

The average man loses about 1.5 pounds a day. The average woman loses about 1 pound a day. The ONE thing that helps them the most to lose weight is to read a book about the Master Cleanse and follow the directions. There are many things on the Web claiming to be the “Master Cleanse,” but they have artificial ingredients, powders without the fresh enzymes or incorrect recipes or directions. The original, time-tested Master Cleanse as developed by Stanley Burroughs gives great results quickly.

8. What are the difficult aspects that might prevent a person from finishing the “Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier In 10 Days” way and how can they overcome these?

People with a caffeine habit may experience headaches in the first few days. Some people are irritable or tired the second and third day. These pass by the fourth day in most cases. Occasionally, a person may have cravings or irritability for a day or so during the diet, generally on days 2, 3, 7, 14 etc. Such problems generally leave with the next morning’s eliminations. These are kept to a minimum by drinking the laxative tea each night before bed, drinking the salt water flush each morning on awakening and drinking at least 6 10 oz. lemonades each day.

9. Could you share some of the experiences that your clients have gone through on the diet?

 “The first cleanse changed my life. I am on day 13 of the Master Cleanse. I have been off all my medications I have had no pain from my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Four weeks ago I was walking with a cane!
“I have not had an asthma attack, my thyroid has not giving me any trouble. I look younger and feel younger, my skin is baby soft. I have more energy than I thought possible.
“Thank you Peter you gave me my life back.”

– Marsha Hostetler

“Hi Peter, I just have to send a note, and should’ve done it sooner, but was just thinking about it. I did the Master Cleanse for 31 days (waited till my tongue turned pink again) this spring. I had never felt better! The amount of energy was endless, and I felt awesome!! On top of feeling great, I lost 80 lbs!! I couldn’t believe it when I started trying on my clothes! Thank you so much for sharing this incredible information!!”

– Noel Sieh
Plattsmouth, NE

 “I’ll be 57 years old in May and just finished my very first 10 Day cleanse on the Master Cleanse! I have never felt better in my entire life! It’s absolutely the BEST thing I’ve ever done! I have lost weight, I have more energy than ever, and I am a zillion times happier!

“I actually wanted to stay on now for 21 days but am going on vacation next week to Disney World! I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this to anyone! I was overweight before, always felt sluggish from all the carbs and sugar and junk I ate, had stomach problems, diarrhea and arthritis in joints. I’m a new person!”

– Margaretanne Fineo
Boynton Beach, FL

 10. Do you have any specific advice for readers who are struggling to lose weight to help shed the fat?

  •  Avoid the four artificials: flavors, colors, sweeteners and preservatives.
  • Eat as much real food (raw fruits and vegetables) as possible.
  • Drink a green smoothie every morning (recipe at http://themastercleanse.com/2011/07/green-smoothies/)
  • See the Detox Diet Scale in Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days.
  • Limit the amount of “fun food” you eat.
  • Drink more water when you’re “hungry.”



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