Eating Healthy on the Road – An Exclusive Interview With One of the Authors – Pat Smith

It’s tough to stick to a diet. It’s even tougher when you are traveling. Whether you are on vacation, traveling for work, or just going on a weekend road trip, it can be difficult to hold fast to the diet you have so painstakingly endured, once the fast food signs start passing you by.

Pat SmithBrothers Pat and Matthew Smith know all too well the tasty temptations associated with the road. Habitual travelers and food lovers, they decided to make it their mission to find an easy way to stick to a healthy diet and still enjoy the road.

1.What motivates you to write this book “Eating Healthy on the Road” and why did you choose this name?

We spend a lot of time traveling. I had previously written a diet book called “Natural Weight Loss”, basically eat real food, avoid lots of sugar, processed foods, etc. At home we can usually stick to this diet fairly easily. However, traveling was always a struggle with us when it came to our diet. The ease of restaurants and the convenience of gas station snacks always got the better of us.

On one road trip through southern Utah we began brainstorming ways we could eat healthier while traveling. By the end of the trip we had a list a couple pages long. So we put them to the test. The ones that worked and weren’t too much of an inconvenience we kept and the ones that didn’t, we dropped.

As far as the name goes, we wanted people to know exactly what they were getting. Thus: “Eating Healthy on the Road: The Travelers Guide to Natural Weight Loss” was conceived.

2. As you travel from place to place what secrets or technique do you teach that is essential in lowering weight?

Well basically, formulate a plan and stick with it. Schedule time to stop to stretch and exercise. Plan ahead where you are going to get food and when you are going to eat a restaurant, things like that.

3. What are your thoughts about the causes of obesity in America?

Too many people believing what the box in their living room tells them:
“Processed foods are handy and healthy. Sugar is sugar. Saturated fat will give you a heart attack and clog your arteries. Grains are the healthiest thing you can eat. Red meat will kill you.”

Obviously what the box is saying isn’t working out, maybe it’s time to try something new!

4. What differentiates “Eating Healthy on the Road” from the gaggle of diet books currently on the market?

It is designed specifically for sticking to a healthy diet while traveling. You can literally throw it in the glove box and bust it out once the wheels start moving.

5. What is the basic premise of your diet book?

Take control and eat healthy food. Don’t worry we do tell folks how to do it, not to just do it.

6. Could you share with us on average how much weight does your clients usually lose while following the strategies and eating plans in “Eating Healthy on the Road”? And what is the ONE thing that helps them to lose weight?

Everyone’s success is different, but seeing as how our book is focused on strategies solely for traveling it is difficult to measure success because we don’t usually travel for that long of a time! However, I myself have lost over 30 pounds since I started following the diet principles that this book is based on.

7. Besides losing weight, what other benefits should a person expect to derive following “Eating Healthy on the Road”? Does it applicable to those who only stays at home and does not travel?

Improved overall well-being, more energy, better mood, and lower levels of fatigue and soreness have been some benefits I have experienced and some of our readers have reported.

Portions of this book are applicable to someone who does not travel, especially if they spend multiple days a week ‘in town’. Running errands, shopping, whatever, it will help.

8.  What should a person expect to experience while following “Eating Healthy on the Road” book? Could you share some of the experiences that your clients have gone through with the program? (if it’s not confidential)

Well they are definitely going the happiness of knowing they stuck to a healthy diet and faced down all those demons in the forms of fast food, doughnut shop drive thru’s, and all you can eat buffets.

9. What should we expect on the next subsequent volume of “Eating Healthy on the Road”?

At this point we don’t have any plans on producing another edition, if in our travels we discover some more healthy insights, we will definitely think about it. However, I am working on the second edition of my first book “Natural Weight Loss”. Updating some information, fixing typos, and adding a  whole lot more stuff!

10. As there are readers and subscribers who are struggling to lose weight to help them shed the fats,  do you have anything specific or advice that you want to say for them?

You basically have to reach a point where you are so fed up with being fat that you wholeheartedly commit to making a change. Then you have to realize that each morning you have to wake up and battle resistance. It doesn’t matter how bad you beat him down and stomped him into the dirt yesterday, it starts all over today. He’s revived, fresh, and got more sleep than you did, so bring your ‘A’ game. Write this down and put it somewhere that you can see it every morning when you get up and every night when you go to bed.  I was fat literally my whole life, I never ever ever thought I would be one of those slim, fit, and sexy people. But you know I committed and made it happen and so can you.


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