Tag: fats
19 Hidden Sources Of Trans Fat
You may have heard of trans fat and already are working to keeping it off your shelves What you may not know is that trans fat can appear in places you least expect and you might already be consuming it on a regular basis. The lines in labeling foods you buy are gray and can […]
6 Fatty Foods That Make You Skinny
Do you have the wrong idea about Fats? Not all fats are created equal. We have all seen advertisements for low-fat diet products which are supposed to help us lose weight. The manufacturers of these products have taught us to believe that all fats will make us gain weight and that we should avoid them […]
3 Processed Fats to Watch Out
Yet again the food industry would seem to be putting profit before safety. The carcinogenic effects of fat hydrogenation, with its trans-fat byproducts have finally been recognized by the regulators and they are slowly being removed from our food. However, some of the alternative manufacturing methods have even bigger health risks than the toxic processes […]
5 Sneaky ‘Health’ Foods to Watch Out
You may be consciously watching your diet, giving up sodas, ice cream, bacon and eggs, and dutifully resigning yourself to merely eating the “right” kinds of food. And yet, in spite of your painful sacrifices, you may still be mysteriously gaining weight and adding on those unrelenting pounds. You ask yourself why this is so. […]
The Truth About Fat – Good Fats, Bad Fats, Worst Fats
If we could all count the times we’ve heard someone say they’re on a low-fat diet to lose weight, we’d all have enough money to own a small country. The idea that all fats make you fat has been engrained into so many minds, yet it’s simply untrue. In fact, not only can we be […]