The Dirty Truth about Antibacterial Soap

Liquid soap Over the years, scientists develop products for mainstream use and then manufacturing companies market them as safe, effective, and healthy for humans. Occasionally this marketing is so effective that the product becomes ubiquitous in society. An example of this is antibacterial soap.

The type of advertising used to market antibacterial products polarizes bacteria by making us believe that “germs,” aka bacteria, are bad and we must eradicate them every chance we get.

Therefore, we stock up on antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer to solve the problem of bacteria.

It’s Everywhere…

You can find antibacterial soap in gas stations, supermarkets, drug stores, and airports. You may recall the last time you went aboard an airplane and immediately reached for your antibacterial lotion to keep germs from hitching a ride on your hands, traveling to your face, and then giving you the dreaded cold virus.

If you’ve never experienced this, you can probably recall a television commercial where someone else did. Some people keep a large container of antibacterial hand sanitizer in their car in order to stay “germ-free” on the go. It’s quite normal to see a travel size pack of antibacterial sanitizer in a mom’s diaper bag or a woman’s purse.

If you look through the cleaning supplies in any supermarket, you will find that antibacterial is no longer just for hand sanitizers and hand soaps. It is used in dish-washing liquid and laundry detergents. It is also on the label of many beauty and hygiene products, such as deodorant and body wash.

The reason people routinely turn to this product is because the media has told us repeatedly that we must use antibacterial soap to “protect ourselves from germs.”

Yet, is this necessary? Why do people suddenly need antibacterial products rather than soap and water which were used for centuries prior?

Recent statements from the FDA indicate that antibacterial soap may not be any more effective than soap and water. They report that unless the manufacturers are able to prove the efficacy of antibacterial products, they will be removed from store shelves. Although the manufacturers are providing some evidence that their products do reduce bacteria, they haven’t proven that antibacterial products are more effective at reducing infections. This is because most infections are not caused from bacteria, but rather from viruses, which are not killed by antibacterial products.

The Problem With Antibacterial Products…

Not only is the value of antibacterial products being tested, but the manufacturers must prove the long-term safety of these products or the FDA will require them to be removed from shelves. The chemical ingredient that allegedly helps antibacterial soap to “kill germs” is called triclosan.

However, this chemical is linked to lowered immunity and allergies in children. In animal studies, triclosan was proven to be an endocrine disrupter, which can lead to a multitude of health issues involving the thyroid hormone. The concern is that children and adults who use antibacterial products may also be at risk to develop similar endocrine disrupting problems.

Antibacterial soaps are spurring the growth of a new generation of bacteria. This new strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotics which may lead to big problems for modern medicine.

The implications for this are serious. If antibiotic medications cease to work for bacterial infections many people may not be able to recover from a seemingly small infection.Overuse of antibiotics directly contributes to this issue, but the widespread use of triclosan in so many products is also a big cause for concern with resistant bacteria.

Other Reasons Why You Should Stop Using Antibacterial Products

These are compelling reasons why these antibacterial products are not necessary and harmful, but there are many other reasons to discontinue using them.

1) When we use antibacterial soaps to wash our hands every day, the soap goes down the drain and gets dropped into the environment. Triclosan may eradicate bacteria in water and in dirt, where it is a necessary part of the ecosystem. This chemical is moving into the environment because humans are using it frequently and in so many different products.

2) Consumers in Western culture are taught that all germs are bad, but recent studies indicate that some bacteria are a beneficial and a necessary part of a healthy planet. Removing exposure to these bacterias responsible for many health issues in the modern world. We need to create more balance on the planet and a great first step is cutting out the use of these antibacterial products.

Use soap and warm water to wash your hands and be mindful of not touching your face. Your skin will thank you because those chemicals are drying out your hands. Having healthy exposure to the bacteria in the environment may improve your immunity because some of the bacteria are here to protect our health.

To protect yourself from harmful bacteria and germs, it is recommended to strengthen your immune system instead.

Go to the next page and learn more about the ‘most powerful healing nutrient known to man’ for a stronger immune system.



About the Author:

Emma Deangela is the best selling author of The Alkaline Diet Program and 80/20 Fat Loss. She has helped over tens of thousands of men and women to lose weight and transform their health with sound nutrition advice.

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6 responses to “The Dirty Truth about Antibacterial Soap”

  1. leilie Bordes George Avatar
    leilie Bordes George

    I love your informations They are really helpfull

  2. Jean Avatar

    Thank You

  3. Patty Avatar

    Something to think about…..!!!!!

  4. Patty Avatar


  5. Luz Vargas Avatar
    Luz Vargas

    Very interesting! Thank you for the information. Yes

  6. Rose Frank Avatar

    What tooth past is healthy for gums and teeth?

    Thank you,

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