Does Your Body Lack These 7 Nutrients? – Deficiencies That Make You Sick

Do you have existing health problems that can’t seem to go away? Irregular sleep, poor immune system, hair loss, fatigue, or other serious chronic health problems?

Even though there are plenty of foods today for Americans, the CDC’s Second Nutrition Report, an assessment of diet and nutrition in the U.S. population, concludes that there are a number of specific nutrients lacking in the American diet.

These nutrient deficiencies can cause many health problems in your body and wreck your overall well-being. Below are 7 of the common nutrients that most people lack:


You might think that “iodine” is just one type of salt that may be used in lieu of Kosher and rock salt, but iodine is actually a mineral that will blow your mind in terms of the many ways it can help you and your body become healthy – all this, through a package as tiny as a grain of salt. Primarily, iodine is very good for encouraging your body to develop efficient metabolism, balancing unstable hormones in your body, ridding you of mood swings and giving you a certain peace of mind, and bringing about the death of unhealthy, used cells in place for new, fresh ones.

One of the most visually drastic and physically imposing effects of having an iodine deficiency is the risk of developing goiter, as your thyroid gland makes itself larger in an attempt to keep up with the hormonal demands of your body. Expecting mothers should also be on the lookout for iodine deficiency, as it has been associated with the risk of miscarriage, or delivering the baby too early or in stillbirth.

Unfortunately, recent studies show that the levels of iodine in the regular table salt that people use have decreased, which leads to up to 74% of people not receiving as much iodine as they think they do.

Read More: Superfoods That Boost Your Iodine Levels

Vitamin B12

One of 8 B vitamins, vitamin B12 is an essential component that holds a slew of benefits and keeps your body healthy and running smoothly. Primarily, it is responsible for keeping your red blood cells, as well as the nerves in your body, lively and fresh. One of vitamin B12’s major contributions to your body is its ability to convert carbohydrates in your system into the glucose and energy that you need.

Regular intake of vitamin B12 also ensures that your hair, skin, and even nails are healthy and strong. It also helps regulate the nervous system, lessening the risk of stress and depression.

Developing a vitamin B12 deficiency means risking a wide variety of symptoms, which include becoming easily fatigued or tired, feeling light-headed, having pale skin, bruising easily, sensitivity, and, in general, experiencing a weakened body. These initial symptoms may further lead to numbness in certain body parts such as the toes and fingers, drastic changes in disposition, and even memory loss. There is a very real danger of incurring permanent nerve damage due to the lack of B12.

A common cause for vitamin B12 deficiency is a condition known as “pernicious” anemia, a condition in which the vitamin is not properly absorbed by your body and integrated into its system.

Vitamin C

Perhaps one of the most well known and famous vitamins, vitamin C has what it takes to back up its very promising reputation. The biggest boost that vitamin C offers might be the help it gives to the immune system. By helping fortify immunity, vitamin C protects the body against bacteria, infections, or sicknesses that may pose a threat to it.

Vitamin C is also a very well known antioxidant, which means that it cleanses the body of any free radicals in its system, slowing down signs of aging such as bad skin, formation of wrinkles, frail nails, and the like. Although vitamin C might not be the answer to the common cold, it has been shown that having a healthy supply of it can and does lead to the experience of shorter and milder colds.

Though vitamin C deficiency has become relatively uncommon in modern society, its symptoms are still very dangerous and should be taken seriously. Fatigue is a very common symptom of vitamin C deficiency, as is a weakened immune system, which in turn causes the body to be unable to fight off infections and heal wounds as efficiently. Skin, nails, and even hair may begin to deteriorate due to free radicals left running unchecked through the body. A familiar sounding disease, Scurvy, is actually due to vitamin C deficiency.


Though magnesium might not be the first word that pops up when you think of minerals that are good and important for your body, it is actually essential to maintaining your body’s health. One of the main uses for magnesium in your body has to do with the efficient absorption of calcium into your system. Because of this, magnesium holds a versatile set of benefits for your body, ranging from preventing osteoporosis by strengthening the body’s bones, lowering the risk of many cardiovascular diseases, regulating diabetes by controlling the glucose in your system, and even preventing the incidence of mood swings and depression.

In contrast to the benefits, magnesium deficiency will lead to the risk of developing osteoporosis and weak, frail bones in general, experiencing bouts of sudden anxiety attacks or cases of irritability, and the danger of acquiring an abnormal heart rhythm and other heart issues.

Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency include experiencing fatigue, random instances of muscle spasms and cramps, low levels of energy, the risk of getting kidney stones, and even the chance of developing insomnia and undergoing sleeping problems. Hormonal imbalances may also be caused by magnesium deficiency, and, for the ladies, may lead to worsened and intense instances of PMS.


True to its counterpart used in the construction of sturdy and strong buildings, bridges, and houses, the iron in your body will keep you just as healthy and strong as a real life iron man. Iron plays a very important role with regard to the blood in your system, forming the hemoglobin in your blood, aiding in the distribution of oxygen to the rest of your body through the blood, and even giving blood its dark red tint. Iron also aids in maintaining the health of both your muscles and brain, and in keeping your body temperature in check. The immune system is also reinforced by iron.

Due to the importance of iron in our bodies, suffering from an iron deficiency can lead to some very grave consequences. A deficiency in iron may cause the experience of symptoms such as an increased sense of fatigue during physical exertions, a weakened immune system which renders a body prone to sickness, irregular sleeping  patterns and possibly insomnia, fragile bones, sudden hair loss, bad skin, and other signs of aging, and mood swings.

On top of that, as women require more iron in their system than men, they run a greater risk of developing iron deficiency, so women must be more alert and aware when it comes to their iron consumption.


Zinc may be one of the last minerals on your mind, at least alphabetically, but its deep and diverse perks and benefits that it provides your body should make it one of the first. As with the other prominent and useful vitamins and minerals, zinc is essential in boosting and improving the performance of your immune system. Zinc also plays a huge role in maintaining and promoting the efficiency and longevity of the cells in your body, specifically ensuring the health, further growth, and strength of your muscles and bones.

Moreover, zinc replenishes your skin by providing fresh and new cells which are free of antioxidants, and even keeps your hair and nails youthful and healthy. It should also be noted that zinc is important in building the reproductive cells of both men and women, thus being a vital vitamin for fertility.

However, if a zinc deficiency is developed, a person will not only lose access to all of those wonderful health benefits, but also begin to experience some rather unhealthy and undesirable consequences. Aside from becoming more prone to infections, bacteria, viruses, and other sicknesses, to developing frail and thin nails and hair, a diminished sex drive, and even being the cause for irregular periods and cycles for women, a zinc deficiency may also result in developing sleeping problems or insomnia.

Losing one’s appetite, having irregular bowel movements, and, in young children, even stunted growth are but some of the other consequence of zinc deficiency. This particular deficiency is especially dangerous for pregnant women at is can hinder the development of the unborn child’s motor and cognitive skills.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E might as well be known as “Vitamin Energy” as it is one of the vitamins that will aid your body in recapturing that youthful, energetic look and feel.  Vitamin E acts as a very effective antioxidant, cleansing your body of free radicals and other toxins that accelerate signs of aging while protecting your heart, lungs, and other important organs and systems in your body.

It is quite effective at preventing  the formation of blood clots and consequently reduces the risk of heart disease as well. This wonder vitamin is also helpful in the strengthening and coloring of your hair, skin, and nails.

Having a lack of Vitamin E in your system can leave your body weak and unstable, leaving it looking and feeling aged and terrible. This is due to a slower pace of regeneration of the cells in your body, in turn affecting its outward appearance. Your skin will start displaying discolored spots and your hair may begin to thin or even completely fall off. The muscles in your body will begin to feel weaker, resulting in the loss of balance and the emergence of cramps. Your eyesight might also gradually worsen if a Vitamin E deficiency is not properly addressed.

Read More: Superfoods Rich in Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12 and More…






About the Author:

Emma Deangela is the best selling author of The Alkaline Diet Program and 80/20 Fat Loss. She has helped over tens of thousands of men and women to lose weight and transform their health with sound nutrition advice.

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28 responses to “Does Your Body Lack These 7 Nutrients? – Deficiencies That Make You Sick”

  1. Zita Avatar

    What is the rue commended dosage for each of these for a 35yr old female

  2. Anita Avatar

    What are recommended dosages for a 60 year young woman?

  3. Wyldr Stone Avatar
    Wyldr Stone

    I am disappointed that the section on iodine did not mention that bromine replaces iodine in its receptor in our cells. Omitting bromine from our diets helps us retain needed iodine. Bromine is found in fruit flavored soft drinks such a Mountain Dew, Seven Up, etc., and is also found in bromated flours. Food manufacturers are beginning to put unbromated flour in their products; reading the ingredients will allow us to make wiser choices for our favorite foods. If the label does not say unbromated, it isn’t. There are many things we can do to improve our health, but it is up to each of us to learn and make wise choices.

    1. J.Russ Avatar

      Also avoid fluorides such as the fluorosalicic acid added to drinking water. Fluorine also replaces iodine.

  4. Brenda Ferek Avatar
    Brenda Ferek

    What vitamins and minerals should I as a 47 year old and 3year survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma take? I feel I am aging sooo fast! I felt so healthy prior to being diagnosed with cancer now I am tired gain weight and have hip knee and foot pain along with memory loss! Ugh!


    Thanks for the information. WHAT about kelp?and avacados?Are they rich in minerals>?

  6. Devi Gundlach Avatar
    Devi Gundlach

    I believe you should add the dangers of too much iron in the body also. When one is no longer losing blood there should be little need for iron supplementation other than food sources.
    I have read that too much iron contributes to aching joints and dementia and that’s only some of the effects.

  7. S Avatar

    Hi. I am a 29 year female. Pretty healthy but have been experiencing hair loss, burning, tingling sensation on my scalp. Doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with me. All blood work comes back normal, beside a mild anemia. Do you think I would benefit from iron pills? Or even magnesium?

  8. LINDA CAROL Avatar


  9. Belinda Avatar

    I am a 50 year old female with fibromyalgia and I am also overweight. What types of vitamins do I need to get back in shape and reduce the pain in my body.

    1. Marie J Hunter Avatar
      Marie J Hunter

      The very best thing you can do for your body is loose weight and slowly increase exercise starting from where you are now.
      The last few years we have learned that inflammation is the root of most of our woes.
      Sugar, high carb foods increase inflammation. Inflammation encourages fat deposits.
      You don’t need to add anything, just practice “clean” eating: whole foods, heavy on the vegetables, minimize a lot of starches. Information is easily found on the internet.
      You need some meat but emphasize poultry and fish and pork.
      I have fibromyalgia and I have used good eating and I feel great. When I add junk food I feel sluggish, tight with water retention and I hurt more.
      Marie Hunter MSN, RN Professor of Nursing

      1. Patsy Avatar

        Thanks for this information.

  10. Cher'ie Walker Avatar

    Hello my name is Cher’ie. I recently went into peri menopause at 50 when my period suddenly stopped. I have no existing illnesses and always have been very healthy and regularly ran and exercised. I did slow down before my period stopped because my energy was not as it use to be. I have never been a person who used drugs of any sort and this includes prescription drugs as well as over the counter drugs. i preferred herbs, vitamins and foods that supplied the supplements I need. I am on bio-identical hormones for my hormones and I am now experiencing thyroid problems. I recently was placed on Nature Thyroid and then taken off when it caused me serious allergic reactions, chest pain and took every ounce of energy I had left. I also became very deficient in Vitamin D and I am anemic which is not new. The doctor has taken me off of Nature Thyroid and waiting a month to retest by blood before she places me on another thyroid medication. In the mean time I have continued to run and I have noticed my running is so much better since I am not on the Nature Thyroid. I have energy as I run without feeling as if someone was holding me back and I do not feel exhausted and my chest does not hurt when I run. I was only on Nature Thyroid 3 weeks, but the Doctor took me off because of how I felt but mainly because of the allergic reactions and I guess the sulpha that may be in the drug. I am running between 8 and 1/2 to 9 minute per mile which is good for me since they took me off the medicine. I could barely walk fast w/o feeling as if I was going to pass out and exhausted. Could iodine work for me a 5’7 52 year old African American Woman weighing 155 and where would I purchase it from?

  11. Maricela Trevino Avatar
    Maricela Trevino

    I am 54 year old female with problems losing weight. I workout twice a day 5 days per week. How can i start to find out why I still weigh 220 lbs. I don`t eat junk foods. I eat clean by geting organic veggies. I don`t eat bread . I eat nuts as snacks as well as hummus avacados. Any suggestions will help.

    1. Janet Krebs Avatar
      Janet Krebs

      Stumbled on your post. I am a trainer and I see people who try so hard to lose weight with exercise. Based on your 2x a day I would suggest working with someone and quit over training. Your body may be trying to protect itself by holding on to the weight.

  12. James Bush Avatar
    James Bush

    I’m 84. I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and depression. I blame it on my blood pressure meds.I can’t persuade my doctor to try some thing different. I’m taking metoprolol and losartan twice a day. If i didn’t have Valerian root to take, I would be in big trouble. I take a vitamin with no iron in it. Can I get enough iron from daily food diet?
    James Bush

  13. Prof ML Sood Avatar
    Prof ML Sood

    wonderful and very useful health tips, which I always look forward from u.
    Thanks and with regards
    ML Sood

  14. sharron71 Avatar

    What is the best way to take vitamins and multiple medications for optimum absorption?

  15. Jaime Vargas Avatar
    Jaime Vargas

    Hi, I am a 26 yrs. old male and would like to know the dosage I need I would assume all seven vitamins and minerals daily, but do I take them all together at once? and also, how many times a day?

  16. Dee Reed Warner Avatar
    Dee Reed Warner

    I was diagnosed with Celiac, have hypothyroidism and am lastose intolerant. I would liike to try the Energy Greens but because of the Wheat Grass and Barley Grass cannot. I am not supposed to eat or drink anything that has even “passed by” Wheat or Barley. 🙂 Can you give me a suggestion as to
    something similar to Energize Greens that I might try?
    I will be 83 this month so am pretty healthy otherwise, active,no other particular problems. Thanks.

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi Dee, wheatgrass and barley grass (just the grass, with absolutely no seeds) do not contain gluten. Please email support [at] for more details.

  17. dolores Avatar

    I am 71, my body aches all over , how much of these vitamins each should I take

  18. Deborah Avatar

    I have acid reflux and severe gastritis inflamed inside. On probiotics digestiVe enzymes and nausea mess. I can tolerate oatmeal and chicken soup. I go from 104 to 124 and bloating . With no changes in food. I am tired all the time because of not being able to digest much without getting very sick.
    Any suggestions would be extremely appreciated.

  19. Faith A Peay Avatar
    Faith A Peay

    I tried to order the Ultra Fat Loss Matrix and it would not let me without setting up a pay pal account. I do not want to set up a pay pal account. I wanted to use my credit card.

  20. Bill Avatar

    I’m disappointed with this post. You did not mention which foods are rich in the nutrients that were mentioned.

  21. Bee Avatar

    Thank you for this info, I am so pleased to read this, as I am taking all of these, I also take Vit D for bone health. Your articles are well researched and informative.

  22. Cher Avatar

    Today just might be a new beginning….
    Last six months have been a blur…weariness,disinterest,
    uncreative,lack of motivation,sleepinghours&hours during day
    and night.Plan to add these 7 nutrients and pray they revitalize my being.Blessings and Graditude.

  23. Patricia Murray Avatar
    Patricia Murray

    I too. Have sore an itching scalp . Doctors can’t find anything wrong even I have had blood test.I take all the vitamins that you have mentioned.

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